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Care and Maintenance Guide

Watering and Caring for your Buffalo Turf

Watering your turf correctly is the most important thing you can do, both at the beginning and throughout the life of the turf! Follow these important steps and you’re off to the best start possible.

Once your turf has been laid it will need approximately 1-4 weeks for the turf roots to begin to reach down into the soil. During this period as tempting as it may be, it is necessary to minimise any traffic on the turf like people, cars, playing kids and dogs (including dog do’s & wee’s).

The soil underneath the turf must be kept moist, newly laid buffalo turf should not be allowed to dry out. You can check the soil saturation by simply pulling back a section of turf and pushing in screwdriver or similar, soil should be moist down to 3 inches. Once turf is rooted you shouldn’t be able to lift back a turf slab so simply use the same process directly into the turf.

Arm yourself with good watering equipment ie hoses long enough to reach all areas and good quality sprinklers (some are better and more economical than others), you may need to purchase multiple watering stations for ease of use. Inspect the soil saturation levels daily and water in the early morning rather than evening, this will allow the turf to drink during the growing daylight hours and the foliage to dry during the day.

In Summary

  • Maintain a constant soil saturation level of approximately 3 inches below the turf – Check this daily, even when it rains!

  • Monitor weather forecasts, you may need to water more or less in heatwave conditions or high rainfall

  • Reduce traffic on the new turf until the turf has adequately rooted

  • Ensure that all areas are receiving enough water including the corners

  • Consider installing a pop up watering system



Newly laid Buffalo Turf

During the first few weeks of new growth, in most circumstances water and sunlight will be your turfs only requirements. Once the roots have taken you may apply a recommended dose of organic liquid food like seasol to help promote further root strength and growth. It is not recommended to apply any other fertiliser products during the first month after being laid.

Established Buffalo Turf

Buffalo Turf should be fertilised to maintain turf health and soil condition. It is recommended to fertilise twice yearly in April and September with a suitable slow release fertiliser for Buffalo Lawns. Sandy soils will require 3-4 yearly applications. Ensure you follow the correct product applications to ensure even coverage and avoid clumping.



Newly laid BuffaloTurf

After 2-3 weeks your turf should have grown enough to receive its first haircut. Consider the tips below before mowing:

  • Check that the turf has rooted in all areas so as to avoid the mower or whipper snipper pulling at unrooted turf sections

  • Mow at a height that removes approximately the top 1/3 of turf blade

  • Ensure your mower blades are sharp

  • Collect and remove clippings

Established Buffalo Turf


Mowing your established Buffalo Turf will have differing requirements throughout the year depending on weather. Typically during the warmer growing months you will need to mow your lawn every 2 weeks at a minimum. Allowing your Buffalo Turf too much time in between mowing can cause many undesired effects like over thatching and other inconsistencies leading to an unhealthy lawn.


As a guide, Buffalo lawns should be mowed to a height of approx. 40-50mm, this may vary depending on the amount of shaded/sunny areas. Shaded areas may grow more sparse and high, sunny areas more dense and thatchy, so some height adjustments may be required as you mow. During hot months a little more height is be needed to help protect the roots below which can dry out if mowed too low.


If you have any queries about your Maroochy Green Turf, please don’t hesitate to contact Ian on 0407 609 364

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